There are more and more! Our apprentices 2022!

With Yvonne as the second paper technician in her first year of apprenticeship and Melissa, Lukas and Florian – already in their 2nd year of apprenticeship – we currently have four apprentices who support us strongly.


f.l.t.r.: Lukas, Yvonne, Melissa & Florian



Yvonne Böhm is 15 years old, and lives in St.Pölten and has recently attended the Polytechnic School St.Pölten. She is currently being taught everything she needs to know for her profession as a future paper technician in the laboratory and later in production.



We wish Yvonne a good start into her professional life and are happy to have already two female paper technicians at Salzer Papier!


In November, our apprentices started a joint project as a group of four for the first time! Their task was to create a design for our Christmas cards this year using unusual materials.