Since as early as 1579 paper has been produced at the site of today’s paper mill in St. Pölten Stattersdorf. At the end of the 18th century (1798), the mill came into the possession of the Salzer family, who are now the 8th generation to run it.
First records of a paper mill in St. Pölten
Paper has been produced in St. Pölten since 1469 and at the current SALZER location since 1579. Thus, St. Pölten is the cradle of papermaking in Austria.

SALZER family business

The family tree of the Salzer family can be traced back without gaps to 1605. On August 9, 1798, the paper mill at the St. Pölten Stattersdorf was acquired by Kaspar Salzer and has been family-owned ever since.
Installation of a paper machine
In 1863, the first paper machine was installed. Up to this point, paper was still made by hand.

Pulp production in St. Pölten

From 1906 to 1968, pulp was produced in St. Pölten on the site of the Salzer family’s company premises. This ensured self-sufficiency in pulp for paper production. For economic reasons, however, pulp production was then shut down.
The new paper machine is installed
Up to this point, production was carried out with an old-fashioned paper machine. The working width was only 160 cm and was therefore replaced by a new one with 260 cm. The Voith machine is still in place today and is still doing its job.

Founding of the company fire brigade

With the enlargement of the machine, the founding of the SALZER PAPIER company fire department was very much welcomed. Even today, regular drills are held to be prepared for emergencies.
Entry into the plastics sector
Since 1966, under the management of DI Michael Salzer, purposeful investments were made. Among other things, a new wire section was installed in the paper mill. At the beginning of the 1970s, the decision was made to enter the plastics sector. At this time, the foundation stone was also laid for today’s Salzer Formtech GmbH, which was then spun off from Salzer Papier GmbH in 1995.

Introduction of SALZER plastics processing

In order to make better use of the available energy reserves and to multiply the company’s field of activity, a new branch of production was launched. The choice fell on plastics processing in the form of Styrofoam production (primarily in the packaging sector). Only later was the company switched to structural foam parts.
In 1995, SALZER FORMTECH GmbH – as a plastics production company – was spun off, and has been an independent company ever since. Tradition and innovation are its two main pillars.

Construction of a new warehouse & rebuilding of the paper machine

From 1998 to 2001, there was another major construction and investment. The site was to be modernized to meet technical requirements.
Start of Integrated Management System
From the year 2000 onwards, the companies have devoted themselves more intensively to the topics of integrated management system and also environmental management systems. In the meantime, all companies can show a variety of certifications. Even within the SALZER GROUP cross-company certifications could be acquired.

Spin off Salzer Industrie Service GmbH

Another part of SALZER PAPIER GmbH was made independent: SALZER INDUSTRIE SERVICE GmbH is today an important partner of the paper mill and also a welcome, competent service provider for external companies.
The SALZER GROUP reorganizes itself
Salzer Holding GmbH, previously owned by Matthäus, Maximilian and Thomas Salzer, is restructured. SALZER PAPIER, SALZER FORMTECH and SALZER INDUSTRIE SERVICE are transferred to TOSACO GmbH. This company is 100 percent owned by Thomas Salzer. Various real estate holdings and Kontura GmbH remain in Salzer Holding (Matthäus & Maximilian Salzer).

225 years of family business SALZER

Creating something special in a sustainable way – 225 years SALZER PAPIER!